नमस्कार मित्रांनो..... SELF STUDY CIRCLE KHAIRGAON या वेबसाईट वर आपले सहर्ष स्वागत आहे...........!
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Tuesday 3 March 2015


1) Blue Mountain National Park is situated in which state of India? - Mizoram

2) Longest muscle in human body? - Sartorius

3) Bhariyas are the major tribes of which state? - Madhya Pradesh

4) What was the total number of members in the Drafting Committee of Constitution? - 7

5) Who was India's Constitutional Advisor? - B N Rao (B N Rao was also the first Indian judge at the International Court of Justice.)

6) The Law of Natural Selection is associated with? - Darwin

7) Which Indian artist decorated the handwritten Copy of the Constitution? - Nandalal Bose

8) Which Article is described as the "Heart and Soul of the Constitution"? - Article 32

9) The oath of office is administered to the Governor by the? - Chief Justice of high court

10) Who is head of Judiciary in the State? - High Court

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