नमस्कार मित्रांनो..... SELF STUDY CIRCLE KHAIRGAON या वेबसाईट वर आपले सहर्ष स्वागत आहे...........!
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Thursday, 4 June 2015

Area calculation and Measurement Chart .

Area calculation and Measurement Chart .

1 hectare = 2 acre 47 cent
1 hectare = 10,000 sq.m.
1 acre = 0.405 hectare
1 acre = 4046.82 sq.m.
1 acre = 43,560 sq.ft.
1 acre = 100 cent = 4840 sq.gejam
1 cent = 435.6 sq.ft.
1 cent = 40.5 sq.m
1 ground = 222.96 sq.m. = 5.5 cent
1 ground = 2400 sq.ft.

Useful books for SSC CGL 2015

Friends..Here are some useful books for SSC CGL Exam 2015. SSC has recently postponed the Tier-1 exam from Aug.- 2015 to second half of this year. That means you are getting more time to prepare well. Those who are yet to start preparation may start the preparation soon. If you prepare well a great job will be in your hands by next year this time. So prepare well. Here is some useful books for preparation.