1) Who can open account in the name of Girld Child under Sukanya Samridhi Yojana? - Guardian/Natural Guardian
2) A Guardian can open how many accounts under SSY? - Only one account in the name of one girl child and maximum two accounts in the name of two different girl children.
3) An account under SSY can be opened up to the age of ___ years only from the date of birth? - 10 Years
4) Whether nomination facility is available for accounts under SSY? - No
5) Minimum amount for opening of SSY Account? - Rs.1000 (Subsequent deposit should be in multiple of Rs.100/-)
6) Maximum amount that can be deposited in a financial year in this account? -Rs.1,50,000
7) Whether there is any limit on the number of deposits? - No
8) What is the interest rate for the financial year 2014-15 under Sukanya Samridhi Yojana account? - 9.1%
9) Partial withdrawal, maximum upto 50% of the balance standing at the end of the preceding financial year can be taken after Account holder is attaining age of ___ years? - 18 Years
10) Sukanya Samridhi Account can be closed after completion of ___ years? - 21
11) If account is not closed after maturity, balance will continue to earn interest as specified for the scheme from time to time. State whether the statement is correct? -Yes
12) Normal premature closure will be allowed after completion of 18 years provided which condition? - Girl is married
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